Here’s how it all works…
CSA Program Guidelines
Program Duration
We offer CSA all year round!
The Winter Program Term runs from the beginning of January until the end of June.
The Summer Program Term runs from the beginning of July until the end of December.
Your Membership will begin during the week following our receipt of your complete application and payment.
There is no requirement to work on the farm! However, we may ask for volunteers from time to time!
Application and Payment
The first step is to apply for Membership in our CSA Program using the Membership Application Form on the ‘Join our CSA Program’ page of the website. The ‘Join Our CSA Program’ link can be found at the top of each web page.
We will accept applications throughout the year as long as we have room. We will notify you within 7 days of our receipt of your complete Membership Application Form to let you know if we have room and if your address is okay for Home/Office Delivery. You will be given instructions on how to pay for and complete your Membership at that time. At that point, we must receive your payment within 7 days so that we are not keeping a spot from someone else who wants to join. The number of Members we can serve is limited.
You can use the form here: Contact Us if you would like for us to check your delivery address for you before you apply. Please do not email and ask if we deliver to an “area”. We need a specific street address and zip code so we can see for ourselves exactly where you are on the map before we can make a delivery determination.
Membership Fee
Instead of paying a large amount for your entire Share up front, we only charge a small membership fee at the beginning of the Program Term to help toward our costs of overhead. Then, you will be able to order and pay for the items of your choice each week as we go along. No more large up front investment as in traditional CSA formats. No more partial year availability. We go all year long and you only pay for the items you want to order each week as you go.
We divide the year into TWO half-year TERMS:
Winter Term is from January 1 through June 30 and the Membership Fee is $175.00 for the 6 month period.
Summer Term is from July 1 through December 31 and the Membership Fee is $175.00 for the 6 month period.
The Membership Fee broken down over the Program Term comes to only about $6.75 per week and it helps cover some of our operational expenses. You don’t have to order every week but Members who order weekly will receive the best value for their fee. Likewise, the more you order the greater your value. We will accept applications throughout the year as long as we have room. We cannot pro-rate the Membership Fee. We want the greatest value to go to our Members who order every week and who stay with us long-term.
Weekly Share Ordering
Program Members place their Weekly Share Orders online from the Share Ordering page located in the drop down menu under the link above to this CSA at Martin Hill Farms page. Payment is made at the time of ordering through PayPal. However, you do not need to have a PayPal account to place an order. Members may choose from any of the items we have available each week. Members may order as much as they want of an item until we run out of that item for the week. Many items are available to Members in wholesale sizes at reduced prices. Our online prices are lower than our farmer’s market prices and, in fact, we frequently offer further reduced prices and special deals to our CSA Program Members!
Share Ordering Time Window:  Online ordering is turned on from Thursday evening until Sunday at Midnight. You must have your order in before the cutoff time in order to receive a Share Order for the week. We send out email reminders between Thursday and Sunday to help you remember to place your order. You may place multiple orders before Sunday at Midnight and we will combine them into one order for delivery or pick up.
Ordering Instructions: Detailed ordering instructions are listed on the Share Ordering page. The Share Ordering page is password protected for CSA Members only. You will receive your password by email after you join.
Payment: Payment is made online at the time of order placement through PayPal. You do not have to have a PayPal account to place an order and pay. You can check out using your debit or credit card or bank account WITHOUT having a PayPal account. In that case PayPal simply acts as our credit card processor just like any other online card processor. Martin Hill Farms does not need any of your financial information ever. Payment processing by PayPal keeps your financial information private.
Minimum Order Amount: Orders must be at least $20.00. That’s all!
Home/Office Delivery Guidelines
We offer delivery to the Greater Cincinnati Ohio and Northern Kentucky area. Home/Office Delivery Members’ delivery day will depend upon how we can fit their location into our routes and their delivery day will remain the same throughout the Program Term. We cannot specify a time of delivery, as that will depend upon circumstances beyond our control like traffic, construction, which Members placed orders that week and other unpredictable situations.
Accessibility: Your location will need to be accessible to our delivery vehicle. Our vehicle requires a ten-foot height clearance and a minimum of a normal driveway width. If we are required to turn around, then we will need the requisite space to complete that maneuver. Your pets must be secured in order for us to deliver.
Delivery Area: You will need to provide a clean, safe protected area for us to put your Share Order. Some things to consider when choosing an appropriate area include protection from sun, heat, cold, rain, animals and other pests including theft by humans.
Delivery Container: We strongly recommend that you provide a container in which we can place your Share Order. We suggest a cooler large enough to contain your Share Order with room to spare, so your items are not damaged. A container will help to protect your items from heat and cold as well as from many pests. We will deliver your order even if no container is present but we cannot be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur as a result.
Delivery Day: We currently are delivering your Share Orders on Thursdays. The delivery day could change depending on how our membership and delivery route may evolve in the future. We can not predict specific delivery times during the day as the times we are in certain areas of the city depends on numerous factors beyond our control.
Group Membership Discounts
We offer discounts off of your weekly Share Orders for groups of individual CSA Members who have their weekly Share Orders delivered to the same location.
So, if your place of employment or other organization would like to host a drop location for its employees or members, then your group will automatically receive discounts off of each CSA Member’s weekly Share Order as follows:
Groups of 5 or more individual CSA Members, each CSA Member will automatically receive 5% off of every weekly CSA Share Order.
Groups of 10 or more individual CSA Members, each CSA Member will automatically receive 10% off of every weekly CSA Share Order.
* $20.00 Minimum Order Amount still applies
Farmer Burn-Out
Farmer Mike may take up to two weeks off during each Program Term.  He isn’t getting any younger you know. Members will be notified at least two weeks in advance of any suspension in delivery provided it is not due to an emergency. It is our goal to provide our services to our Members for a minimum of 48 and for as many as 52 weeks per year.